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Chicken Thighs with Couscous & Kale

Source:, Nov/Dec 2013

Medi For All Tips:

  • For the most affordable option, look for couscous in the bulk section of your grocery store so you can buy only what you need for this recipe.

  • Frozen kale can be used in place of fresh - be sure to thaw and wring dry in a clean dish towel before cooking.

  • Or substitute another leafy green you like - spinach can be treated like kale. Other greens like collards or chard may need to cook a little longer to wilt and soften.



The IMPEDE Trial is funded by an award from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK).

DISCLAIMER: The information contained on this website is for informational purposes only and should not be used to replace professional medical or nutritional advice. This information should not be considered complete, nor should it be relied on in diagnosing or treating a medical condition. It is best to seek advice and attention from your physician or qualified healthcare professional.

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